Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas with the kiddos, Cher-Bear

My sister is about eight years older than me, and on top of that she got married rather young, so I get three fun playmates and she gets a messy house.

I think that I get the better end of this deal ;)

The oldest one who I call Cher-bear is a five year old girl, and we share many passions. Such as doll dressing and furnishing. So she's getting a brown fuzzy love seat and a wardrobe.

The love seat is made from a Kleenex box and some old minky scraps I was never going to use. 

Now on to the doll clothes! 

for a good month I didn't have any non-ballpoint needles. So I looked through my closet, pulled out some ratty shirts and cut them up into cute little doll clothes.

There lots of fun combinations here. I only used four shirts and some project scraps, so it's pretty monochromatic.
But I'm sure she won't complain!

The little cardboard models that I made were a stroke of genius I must admit. They are cut from old cereal boxes and It really makes the whole set look more professional.

Never doubt the power of packaging 😊

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